Wednesday, July 31, 2013



2 yr old Landon Riddle has Leukemia, Landon almost died from chemo, now he is using cannabis oil and almost instantly his blood levels returned to that of someone that is cancer free! His cancer is in remission after 3 weeks of using cannabis oil!

Dr Sanjay Gupta says:

 "When I Actually Did my Job, what a Doctor should be Doing as a Professional, instead of listening to my Pharmaceutical Sales Representative who has No Training except for how to be sexy and sell me useless, and dangerous Pharmaceutical Drugs that I then prescribe to you for a kick back from the pharmaceutical industry by way of GIFTS, and CARS and Vacations, all free to me, and cause you to need other drugs to fix the problems caused by the 1st drugs I prescribed you, causing me to have to see my Pharmaceutical Sales Rep again (damn she IS SEXY!) and I get more gifts for the 2nd drugs I gave to fix the problems the 1st drugs I gave you caused, when they didnt even address your original ailment for which, you came to see me about,

Well, Much to my surprise, I am Finding out what is BEST for you is Cannabis. WHO KNEW".

That is what Sanjay Gupta just said when in this video he made the VERBATIM Remark "But when I Dug Into This". He is telling you he is TOLD what to Think, and how to FIX You and get free Vacations, and even a CUSHY TV Show out of it.

For those with Eyes to See, and Ears to Hear, the Truth is blatantly Apparent. You just need to Look and Listen.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Medical Marijuana Achieves ‘Complete Remission’ Of Crohn's Disease; Drug Improves Appetite And Sleep Function, With No Side Effects

Crohn's disease, one of several inflammatory bowel diseases, achieved "complete remission" in nearly half the subjects of one study that were exposed to smoking medical marijuana on a regular basis.

Published in the journal Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, the study examined the effects of consistent marijuana use on Crohn's patients who suffered from severe cases of the disease. The results of the 21-subject study point toward the drug's anti-inflammatory properties as being responsible for quieting symptoms in many patients, and even reaching total remission in others.

The Disease: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatments

Often mischaracterized as an autoimmune disease, Crohn's disease is in fact an immune deficiency state. Arising from a host of genetic, environmental, and immunological factors, the disease causes a chronic inflammatory disorder that attacks the person's gastrointestinal tract — anywhere from the mouth to the anus — in order to fight the body's antigens that otherwise do no harm. Symptoms of the disease range from mild abdominal pain to more severe cases of bloody diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and fevers.

There is no cure for Crohn's; however, various methods are aimed at limiting flare ups and keeping the disease in remission. Treatments, like disease severity, fall on a spectrum depending on the person. Simple dietary changes suffice for some, while invasive surgery to remove the affected area may be needed for others. Corticosteroids and other medications are also prescribed for less severe cases.

The disease affects around 400,000 to 600,000 people in North America, although many people do not get diagnosed until they've had the disease for years, simply because no symptoms were present.

The Study And Its Findings

Scientists at Meir Medical Center in Israel wanted to examine the effects of Cannabis sativa on patients with severe Crohn's disease, relying on the underlying drug's anti-inflammatory effects in treating other ailments, such as arthritis and multiple sclerosis.

"The marijuana plant Cannabis sativa has been reported to produce beneficial effects for patients with inflammatory bowel diseases, but this has not been investigated in controlled trials," the researchers wrote. "We performed a prospective trial to determine whether cannabis can induce remission in patients with Crohn's disease."

Twenty-one people with severe, intractable Crohn's comprised the study. Out of those 21, 11 subjects smoked two joints a day for eight weeks. The other 10 made up the placebo group.

The results were particularly telling, according to the researchers. In total, five of the 11 subjects smoking marijuana daily achieved total remission of their Crohn's. They reported greater appetites and sleep patterns. (People with severe cases of Crohn's sometimes defecate 20 times per day, and may even wake up at night to do so.) Moreover, "a clinical response" was found in 10 of those 11. Only four of the 10 placebo subjects reported any improvements.

These findings, argued the researchers, demonstrate how "THC-rich cannabis produced significant clinical, steroid-free benefits to 11 patients with active Crohn's disease, compared with placebo, without side effects."

The researchers were hesitant to call the study a total success, however, saying that the "primary end point of the study (induction of remission) was not achieved," despite the five of 11 people who reported those effects.

Still, they noted that their findings merit further attention. "Further studies, with larger patient groups and a nonsmoking mode of intake, are warranted," they wrote, pointing to the potentially diminished effects of smoking marijuana, as opposed to extracting the anti-inflammatory drugs directly from the plant.

Source: Naftali T, Lihi BL, Iris D. Cannabis Induces a Clinical Response in Patients With Crohn's Disease: A Prospective Placebo-Controlled Study. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 2013.

Monday, July 22, 2013


Growing cannabis outdoors has been mans traditional method of growing his favourite recreational and medicinal herb for thousands of years.

Nature has provided cannabis with the adaptations and hardiness needed to grow in many regions. Specialist selective breeding by the more professional seed suppliers has produced some truly outstanding varieties that will produce excellent ganja in non-tropical northern European climates and even thousands of metres above sea level.For those growers that don’t wish to grow indoors or in greenhouses, outdoor growing is a great and easy way to produce your stash. Growing cannabis outdoors with good quality seed not only gives amazingly powerful weed but it also produces some of the best tasting weed with deep flavours and rich aromas.

The outdoor grower typically grows from April/May to October in the northern hemisphere. Outdoor growers often germinate the seeds indoors and give their plants a headstart by growing them indoors under lights for a few weeks. These plants are often gradually acclimatised to outdoor temperatures before being permanently planted outside as established plants in time for the summer.

It's also possible to start growing cannabis outdoors in the beginning of April, the first weeks under a piece of glass or in a greenhouse. The yield per female plant is between 100 and 400 grams for the different strains. Most of the plants have yields in between. Yields are especially dependent on sowing time, nutrition, and sunlight.

Harvest times given on this website are for the Dutch climate and latitude. All "indoor" and "outdoor" varieties can be grown outdoors in more Southern latitudes. For this reason, the harvest time under natural light is also given for all the "indoor" varieties. Greenhouse varieties and Indoor varieties can be grown outdoors in Central and Southern Europe with very good results. In more Northern latitudes (Scandinavia) only the outdoor varieties that are harvested early can be grown outdoors. Most "outdoor" varieties cannot be grown indoors, unless mentioned in this catalog.

One of the most important factors for the outdoor grower is to correctly prepare the site.

The ideal grow site should get unrestricted sun for as much of the day as possible. Protection from strong winds will also shield your crop. A grow site will often benefit from shelter; a small earth bank, a fallen tree stem or thick bushes can not only protect the plant from prevailing winds but it may also protect the plant from animals and unwelcome human attention. Having a close source of water, such as a nearby stream can make it easy to get water to your crop during hot weather. Many outdoor growers will use organic fertilisers such as bat guano, worm castings, bloodmeal, bonemeal etc to improve soil condition before the grow starts, perhaps digging in plenty of compost as well. More proficient outdoor growers will test the soil when preparing the site and fertilise it accordingly. Professional soil testing kits can be bought from garden centres which will indicate the soil type, the pH and factors such as sand content, loam and clay content etc. There is no ‘perfect’ soil for growing in and different varieties will often perform well in a range of conditions so long as nutrients are present, drainage is good and pH is within 5.8-6.5.

For some people, outdoor growing means a secure and private part of their back garden or even a balcony. In some parts of the world this is too risky, so growers will choose a private and often remote spot in the countryside where they can grow. Internet maps or local knowledge can be used to find private sun-facing locations.

Some growers prefer the seclusion of high altitude mountains for complete peace-of-mind and security. A new technique is to grow cannabis plants in large soil-filled sacks that have been hoisted into the tree canopy. This technique allows growers to choose locations that may be closer to home since the plants are completely invisible to people passing nearby. Yet plants grown in this way benefit from all-day sunlight and can be grown relatively close to cities and villages without raising suspicion. Just make sure that the sack is securely fixed in place.

Those lucky enough to live in a Mediterranean climate with a private sun terrace are ideally placed for convenient outdoor growing.

Those growing outdoors on their own land will be able to ensure that the plants receive the water and nutrients that they need and should be guaranteed the very best results assuming they originally invested in quality seed stock.

Those growing on their own land may have the option of growing the plants in plant pots or rooting them directly into the soil. Plant pots have the advantage of being portable but may need regular watering in hot weather. The experienced grower will often avoid ‘black’ plant containers which get very hot in direct sunlight. They will also avoid putting plant pots directly onto a hot surface (e.g. tiled terrace) which will stress the roots.

Those growing plants rooted directly into the soil will often get the best growth and yield so long as the soil is in good condition and the spot receives good sunlight.

Those growing outdoors may not always be able to visit the plants regularly so a grow spot has to be chosen which is private, sunny and with some protection from animals such as rabbits and deer that will happily munch the plants if not kept away. Some growers surround their secret grow spot with branches and undergrowth to conceal the crop and deter grazing animals. Other growers deliberately plant thorny plants (blackberry plants etc) around their grow area to provide lasting and effective protection. This technique usually involves systematically surrounding the grow patch with a thick, tall and impenetrable barrier to humans and animals. When done properly there is absolutely no way that anyone could guess cannabis plants are growing nearby.

Often the only way into the centre of such a grow is by crawling along the ground through a single secure route that can be easily covered and hidden.

Visits to the grow spot will often involve checking the plants for pests and treating them accordingly. In dry weather water may need bringing to the plants. Some outdoor growers transport the original soil to the grow site, often it will have been pre-enriched with e.g. worm castings and perhaps water absorbent gel crystals will have been added. Water absorbent gel crystals can be bought in many garden centres and absorb excess moisture swelling into large water retaining gel particles. These then slowly release the water during dryer times. They allow plants to thrive with additional water reserves for their roots even in drought conditions.

When growing cannabis outdoors think carefully about the variety. Not all strains are suited to outdoors, so read the reviews carefully and choose a good seed supplier. The best outdoor strains were often developed over a period of several years, selectively breeding those offspring that displayed the best suitability to outdoor conditions as well as retaining premium potency levels. This is a full time job that requires an expert ability not just to create premium outdoor strains but also to stabilise them.

Sometimes the hardest part of outdoor growing is selecting the right location and preparing it for the cannabis plants/seeds. Often the outdoor grower will have several different grow locations and accepts that losing the occasional plant is an occupational hazard. Once the spot is ready it will often be used for many years of harvesting by the outdoor cannabis grower. Outdoor growing is challenging but fun, it may require ingenious thinking and professional preparation but when done correctly the outdoor grower can experience the thrill and satisfaction from harvesting all his herbal supplies free of charge, the way nature intended.


Sunday, July 7, 2013


Exposed: The Full Story Behind Why Marijuana Is Illegal & Classified As A Schedule 1 Drug

Just last night we got together and discussed the censorship of medical marijuana knowledge. Despite the fact that a multitude of studies have proven that cannabis helps to cure cancer, nothing is changing and the plant remains illegal. To help us understand why this news isn’t getting covered, let’s go over the history of the prohibition of cannabis. This might provide some insight as to why news editors are killing stories about curing cancer with cannabis, and why the government is still handing out lifetime jail sentences to dispensary owners for selling the possible cure to cancer.

Marijuana has been used since the beginning of recorded history. From it we’ve made a number of things such as paper, fabric, crops, building materials, proteins, rope, fuel and medicine. Not to mention, oils made from the plant are the most medicinally active substances ever found. That is exactly why it is illegal. It all came down to a vicious fight for billion-dollar markets that took place in the early 1900′s.

The Story Behind Why Cannabis Is Illegal

In 1913, Henry Ford opened his famous automobile assembly line to start producing the Model-T.  In the 30′s, Ford opened a plant in Michigan where they successfully experimented with biomass fuel conversion, proving that hemp could be used as an alternative to fossil fuels. They extracted methanol, charcoal fuel, tar, pitch ethyl-acetate, and creosote all from hemp. What this meant for Ford was that they could now not only produce their own raw materials to make cars, but they could make the gas to run them as well. The discovery was horrible news for a man by the name of Andrew Melon, who owned much of the Gulf Oil Corporation; a company who had just recently opened their first drive through gas station.

Andrew Mellon was the Secretary of the Treasury under President Herbert Hoover, and owner of the 6th largest bank at the time, Mellon Bank. His bank was the primary financial support of a petrochemical company by the name of DuPont. DuPont was developing and patenting many different forms of synthetics from fossil fuels including the synthetic rubber, plastic, rayon, and paint that GM used on their cars. However, Mellon Bank was most heavily invested in DuPonts sulfer-based process of turning wood fiber into usable paper.

This investment began to look like a poor choice for Mellon in 1916 when U.S. Department of Agriculture chief scientists created paper from hemp pulp, and concluded that paper from hemp was, “favorable in comparison with those made with wood pulp.” The paper that is produced by hemp fibers did not yellow over time, unlike the chemical-drenched paper that was being produced at the time. In addition, an acre of hemp produces more paper than an acre of regular trees.  Strangely enough, the actual production of hemp fiber in the U.S. continued to decline until 1933 to around 500 tons per year.

This is no coincidence. In the 1930’s a man by the name of William Randolph Hearst, invested heavily in thousands of acres in timberland to make wood pulp for most of the newspaper industry. He was the owner of a large newspaper company that was read by more than 20 million U.S. citizens in 18 key cities, and arguably one of the most powerful men in American history. Since Hearst didn’t want any competition from the high-quality hemp paper, he had to do something. He soon teamed up with DuPont, who was providing Hearst with the chemicals he used to preserve his papers at the time. Together they would take hemp completely off the market.
From the DuPont 1937 Annual Report, “The revenue raising power of government may be converted into an instrument for forcing acceptance of sudden new ideas of industrial and social reorganization.”
The DuPont Corporation was persistently lobbying in Washington DC, while Hearst began a racist smear campaign in his newspapers. A quote from one of Hearst’s papers, “Marihuana influences Negroes to look at white people in the eye, step on white men’s shadows, and look at a white woman twice.” Hearst’s newspaper was the fuel to the fire for the prohibition of marijuana. He painted cannabis as an extremely dangerous drug in his “Yellow Journalism“, and convinced millions of Americans (and even congressmen) that the harmless plant is in fact, evil. Films like ‘Reefer Madness’ had the public believing that cannabis was responsible for everything from car accidents to death.

Are we having fun yet? Let’s continue.

The Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN) was an agency of the US Department of the Treasury, and was established in 1932 by an act consolidating the functions of the Federal Narcotics Control Board, and the Narcotic Division. Andrew Mellon appointed his niece’s husband, Harry J. Anslinger as the chief of the newly consolidated agency. Anslinger testified before Congress by saying, “Marijuana is the most violence causing drug in the history of mankind…Most marijuana smokers are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz and swing, result from marijuana usage. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes.” He often used propaganda stories run by Hearst’s newspapers while lobbying.

Anslinger ordered the Treasury Department’s general consul Herman Oliphant to secretly begin drafting a bill that would slip easily through both Congress and the Court.  After two years the FBN proposed the “Marihuana Tax Act of 1937“, which placed a tax on the sale of cannabis. Anslinger disguised the act as a tax revenue bill, and pushed through the house by introducing it directly to the House Ways & Means Committee. This is the only committee that can introduce a bill to the House floor without it being debated by other committees, and the chairman happened to be an ally of DuPont, Robert Doughton. It was later seen by another DuPont ally, Prentiss Bown in the Senate Finance Committee, where it was stamped into law. That same year, DuPont patented a new fabric called ‘nylon’, which Andrew Mellon was also heavily invested in.

The American Medical Association (AMA) opposed the act because the tax punished physicians prescribing cannabis, retail pharmacists selling cannabis, and medical cannabis cultivation. They claimed the bill had been prepared in secret without giving proper time to prepare their opposition, and many were completely unaware that the bill was about hemp because the word “marihuana” had only been used in a song before that instance. The AMA also argued against the FBN’s claim that marijuana is an addictive, violent drug that carries a threat of overdosing.

Nevertheless, the act was passed and Samuel Caldwell and Moses Baca were the first official convicted marijuana criminals for dealing and possession not long after. Baca got off easy with 18 months, compared to Caldwell who was sentenced to 4 years of hard labor in Leavenworth Penitentiary. While the act itself did not criminalize the possession or use of cannabis, it did include penalties of up to $2000 (equivalent of about $20,000 at the time), and 5 years in jail for violators.
“[The Marihuana Tax Act] has become, in effect, solely a criminal law, imposing sanctions upon people who sell, acquire, or possess marijuana.”President Lyndon B. Johnson
Later in 1967, President Johnson commented on the Marihuana Tax act of 1937, “The act raises an insignificant amount of revenue and exposes an insignificant number of marijuana transactions to public view since only a handful of people are registered under the act. It has become, in effect, solely a criminal law, imposing sanctions upon people who sell, acquire, or possess marijuana.” Subsequently, part of the act was ruled unconstitutional in the 1969 case, Leary v. United States, because it violated our 5th amendment by forcing a person to incriminate oneself to obtain a tax stamp. Congress was not happy about this ruling, and as a result passed the Controlled Substances Act as Title II of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970.

Pharmaceutical Industry Classifies Cannabis As A Schedule 1 DrugThe Comprehensive act required the pharmaceutical industry to maintain physical security and strict record keeping for certain types of drugs. It classified drugs into five different schedules (Schedule I being the hardest drugs) based on their potential for abuse (which is undefined in the act), current accepted medical use, and accepted safety under medical supervision. Marijuana was classified as a Schedule I drug by the pharmaceutical industry, claiming the drug had no proven medical benefits, and is an addictive and dangerous drug.

Now, let’s ask ourselves something. Why would the pharmaceutical industry, the same companies who in the early 1900’s produced hemp medicine for decades, make a claim like that? As we all know, you cannot patent a plant or the naturally occurring compounds in the plant. For this reason, major pharmaceutical companies realized there was no money to be made, and were not interested in producing the plant. As a matter of fact, if it were legalized it would actually be detrimental to their business, similar to the situation facing the paper and fabric industries.

The Facts Are Right In Front Of Us

When you consider all of these facts, it is apparent why the ‘drug’ was classified like it was and made illegal. Pharmaceuticals is a business, and legalizing marijuana would mean losing hundreds of billions of dollars to a single, naturally occurring plant that anyone could grow in their backyard. The same goes for the hundreds of businesses in the paper and fabric industries that would lose profits to hemp substitutes. It is all about money and keeping the system chugging. That is why stories of an 8-month old child being cured of brain cancer from cannabis oil will never make headline news.
The only thing we can do is work together as a community to spread these stories ourselves. In an age where we are more connected than ever before, it is up to us to control the national discussion, and take the power out of the hands of large news corporations. Word of mouth is the most powerful tool we possess to fight this uphill battle against marijuana prohibition. Now is the time to take a stance and voice your opinion. Spread the word and #StayMedicated.


Cannabis Cures Cancer and the Government Knows It

Cannabis is labeled by the US Government as a Schedule One Narcotic, meaning little to no known medical value. (Even though the US Govt holds patents that state otherwise) Marinol, which is APPROVED BY THE FDA, is synthesized THC. Millions of people are sitting in jail for using Cannabis raw, but it's 'perfectly fine' to use the plant if the Government and their corporate owners take most of the medicine out of it, then get to charge you an arm and a leg for it. Why is that? I shall explain.
Continue reading here:

Friday, July 5, 2013



Childhood Cancer, Cannabis and Courage: How Mykayla Comstock Became Brave Mykayla

Life before Mykayla was diagnosed with cancer was peaceful. We lived in Eastern Oregon and were an average family living life day to day making ends meet. Erin and I worked from home and took care of Mykayla and Ryleigh. Erin was an ambitious, driven entrepreneur who spent a lot of time promoting and working on her small hemp jewelry business, PeaceLove&Knots. We enjoyed traveling and going to concerts and festivals. I was in between jobs at the time, so I worked odd jobs and grew Cannabis. We spent our days together raising the kids.

Mykayla loved to go to school, and we enjoyed focusing our time on her extracurricular activities. I will never forget the day that I got the news, Friday, July 13th, 2012. I stayed home with Ryleigh while Erin went with her mother to take Mykayla to a second visit with her pediatrician. During our last visit, he thought she was lactose intolerant; we subsequently removed dairy from her diet, yet she only got progressively worse; it was time for some answers. I tended our garden and played with Ryleigh until she fell asleep, I couldn’t wait until the girls got home… I had missed a call from Erin at the doctor’s office, I played the voicemail guessing that we had an answer, instead I heard these words, “Brandon, I’m so scared, they discovered a mass in Mykayla’s chest, they want to follow with a CT-scan, we’re headed to radiology right now; I will call soon.”
Listening to that message left me in a stone-cold panic. A mass, what was it? She had been bitten by a tick earlier in the spring; we considered the very worst it could be was Lyme disease, and that was terrifying on its own. There was something in Erin’s voice, though, that chilled me, so I began packing bags. I paced and paced until she called again; she told me the worst news; we had to travel immediately to the nearest children’s hospital. The possibilities were grim.
Mykayla was officially diagnosed with T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia on July 14, 2012, at only seven years old.  T-cell ALL is a rare form of leukemia. It is an aggressive and fast-acting form of the childhood cancer. It is a cancer that is caused by the uncontrolled proliferation of Lymphoblasts into the body from the bone marrow. Lymphoblasts are immature cells which typically differentiate to form lymphocytes. Normally, lymphoblasts are found in the bone marrow only. These cells do not have the capability to die. Instead of going through a normal cellular life cycle, they remain, never succumbing to the natural programmed cell death. Instead, they are left to group together, forming a giant, liquid mucinous tumor that puts immense pressure on internal organs and wreaks havoc on a child’s immune system.
Mykayla’s official Medical Prognosis is a 76.9% 5-year survival rate, with modern treatment protocols. At the time of her diagnosis, many of the classification markers were to her benefit, though she was ultimately deemed intermediate risk due to central nervous system (CNS) involvement.
Some common classifying and identifying clinical markers:
  • ·         Age at diagnosis, gender, and race.
  • ·         The number of white blood cells at diagnosis.
  • ·         Whether the leukemia cells began from B lymphocytes or T lymphocytes.
  • ·         Whether there are certain changes in the chromosomes of lymphocytes.
  • ·         Whether the child has Down syndrome.
  • ·         Whether the leukemia has spread to the CNS (central nervous system), i.e. brain and spinal cord, or testicles.
  • ·         How quickly and how low the leukemia cell count drops after initial treatment.
Currently, Mykayla’s cancer is in complete remission. However, she is still required to undergo standard chemotherapy regimens for two more years; her diagnosis requires a three year chemotherapy and radiation protocol in total.
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
We were told that Mykayla was ill with leukemia for approximately six weeks prior to her diagnosis. During those six weeks she suffered from intense exhaustion and fatigue. She barely had enough energy to live life day to day; she did not smile anymore, barely laughed at all. She had fevers and spotty rashes; she was constantly coughing; she experienced severe stomach pain, a relentless lack of appetite, and at nighttime her frail body turned cool while drenching her bed with sweat. At times, Erin would walk into her room while she was sleeping just to watch her breathing, it was labored, and we became terrified of losing her.
The mass in her chest had already gotten so large that they were unable to put her under anesthesia due to the risk of the mass crushing her airway and causing death. She had to undergo a PICC line placement along with several other procedures with nothing to comfort her but a small dose of anti-anxiety medicine. The pain was excruciating for her. She spent several days in the pediatric intensive care unit fighting for her life as the mass blocked valves in her heart and caused fluid to build up around it.
The oncologists told us that with leukemia the children tend to go into remission just a few days after starting chemotherapy. They also told us that her particular mass should be completely gone with just a day or so of steroid treatment.  This did not happen for Mykayla. Days went by; the lymphoblasts were still being discovered in her blood smears. Her bone marrow was still saturated with leukemia. The oncologist came to us and discussed the possibility of a bone marrow transplant if the leukemia continued to persist despite the chemotherapy and steroids.
When faced with the horrors of chemotherapy, steroid therapy, and now cranial radiation; we knew that it was imperative that we get Mykayla her Oregon Medical Marijuana Program Card (OMMP) so she could legally use Cannabis in Oregon. As soon as we had a chance, we asked Mykayla’s head oncologist for a confirmation letter stating her diagnosis. We needed this in order to obtain her approval for Cannabis use. That day after our appointment at the cancer clinic, Mykayla had her appointment at The Hemp and Cannabis Foundation (THCF) in Southeast  Portland; Mykayla was approved to use medical cannabis ten days post diagnosis. We began using whole cannabis extract oil that very day.

We were officially initiated into our learning experience with cannabis and children; finding the correct dosage was very difficult at first; even the recommended “grain of rice” dose delivered a very strong psychoactive effect. One thing that saved us from panicking when Mykayla was visibly “stoned” was that she finally had a smile on her face for the first time in weeks. She felt hunger and actually wanted to eat; she told me time and time again how happy she was, and laughter uncontrollably poured from her. After going countless days without seeing our little girl happy and smiling, seeing the happiness, watching her smile and hearing her laugh was just as good as hearing she finally achieved remission seven days after starting Cannabis oil. Cannabis truly saved Mykayla from so much pain and sickness, both emotionally and physically.
Thinking back to the first dose, I can recall filling a capsule with the thick, dark oil, thinking to myself, I hope this works. I wondered if we would lose our girls to the state over giving Mykayla Cannabis as a medicine. Would we be in for a fight about Cannabis with Children’s Protective Services? I wondered what her nurses and doctors would think. What would we do if we were ousted by them and forced to seek treatment elsewhere? What would our hospital social worker think? What about Mykayla’s biological father; would he attempt to get custody of her over this? Would he be awarded custody?  After a diagnosis as grim as Mykayla’s it was hard not to  consider everything as a potential  catastrophe. There are many unknowns when it comes to childhood cancer. After beginning Cannabis Treatment we were given stunning news; Mykayla’s cancer was in remission!
Here is a listing of Mykayla’s Lymphoblast counts from day one, July 14th 2012, on to August 20th 2012. This is amazing medical proof of Mykayla benefiting from Cannabis

Date Of Test      Lymphoblast count-Blood Smear
Diagnosis 14-Jul                                     33%

15-Jul                                                      51%

16-Jul                                                      11%

17-Jul                                                      14%

18-Jul                                                      16%

19-Jul                                                      3%

20-Jul                                                      29%

23-Jul                                                      31%

24-Jul                          Began Cannabis Oil

26-Jul                                                      5%

30-Jul                                                      3%

2-Aug                                                      0%

6-Aug                                                      0%

13-Aug                                                    0%

20-Aug                                                    0%

July 30th 2012 was the very last time they found lymphoblasts in Mykayla's blood smear
The very next time we saw the oncologist they told us Mykayla was in remission As if her dramatic remission wasn’t amazing enough, Erin and I have observed a wide variety of benefits from Cannabis during Mykayla’s treatment. Cannabis has relieved nearly all of the horrid side-effects that we are warned about with each individual chemotherapy drug. Mykayla has experienced nausea, yes; though we are able to mitigate the nausea rapidly with crystallized ginger candies. Mykayla has needed the pharmaceutical anti-nausea medicine, Zofran, only a handful of times . She rarely, if ever, complains of pain anywhere; she hasn’t experienced the chemo-associated neuropathy (foot-drop) that seemingly every child experiences when given Vincristine.
Another testament to the power of Cannabis is that Mykayla has currently experienced only one infection. We know that Cannabis is a powerful anti-biotic, anti-viral, and anti-fungal agent, our family has experienced this. Children who are undergoing chemotherapy are very immune compromised and as a result experience many hospitalizations due to infection. Mykayla’s one infection came at a time when a bad reaction to the anti-biotic Dapsone caused her body to be unable to produce new cells, which kept her neutropenic and immune suppressed to the point that brushing her teeth gave her an infection  that required hospitalization and IV antibiotic protocols. When it comes to Mykayla, you truly wouldn’t know she being treated for T-Cell ALL, except for her chemo related alopecia (hair loss). Her spirits are always high, and she is always energetic. She continues to be creative and inquisitive despite the rigors of her treatment. Her mother and I attribute the majority of this to Cannabinoid Therapy.
Mykayla never smokes Cannabis as we do. She instead uses Cannabis in many other forms such as, Whole Extract Cannabis Oil, Infused Agave Nectar, infused medibles, Holy anointing oil, and Raw Cannabis juicing. Along with Cannabis use and supplementation, we all conform to a very strict diet. Our family has chosen to quit eating meat; we also refuse to consume high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). We avoid additives, preservatives, and anything artificial. Genetically modified foods are not welcome in our diet either; we eat Organic. 
We have been supplementing ourselves with a plethora of vitamins and nutrients such as CoQ10, Selenium, Milk Thistle, Echinacea, Vitamin A, B, C, D, Acetyl-L Carnitine, Alpha-Lipoic Acid, green tea extracts, and more. Our family believes that a wholesome, healthy diet, a positive attitude, and a happy life full of love and good energy along with cannabinoid saturation is the key to longevity and survival in this toxic modern world. We personally agree with the hypothesis that cannabis is a missing vital human nutrient. You can find further information, videos, and more on Mykayla’s website at, or find her and her family on Facebook at,

Because of Cannabis, were able to avoid the required cranial radiation treatments. Erin and I poured through research articles concerning leukemia and radiation treatments. We quickly found that the benefits did not outweigh the risks of subjecting Mykayla to radiation. The oncologists refused to agree with us.  One oncologist admitted the radiation recommended was actually not therapeutic treatment but instead prophylactic. Erin and I were dumbfounded that these doctors would recommend a treatment that was not even necessary. Amazingly enough, St. Jude’s Children’s hospital no longer treats leukemia patients with radiation unless they are at high-risk for relapse or if they have already relapsed. St. Jude’s is world renowned for being pioneers in children’s cancer treatment. As parents we stood our ground; There would be no radiation used on our daughter unless it absolutely couldn’t be avoided. The oncologists eventually acquiesced once they realized that we had powerful information supporting our position. Mykayla received no radiation.

Oncologists who treat Mykayla and other doctors and nurses have not volunteered their opinions. Ourfirst oncologist constantly disagreed with us and eventually tried to forcibly refer us to another hospital, the reason being that she felt little Mykayla jeopardized the entire hospital including staff and patients. Some have actually asked that we refrain from discussing their opinions with the media or anyone else at all. The few testimonies we have coaxed out of them are always fantastic. They have commented on how well her liver holds up during the hepato-toxic treatments they prescribe her. They see how smart and sharp she is through the neuro-toxic drugs regimens. They comment on how astonishing it is that she maintains her weight, never losing any for more than a day or two at a time. We know they know.
We know that they see the difference. They see her giggle, run, dance, jump, and play, be hungry and want to experience life. Some nurses who have worked those wards for 15+ years have commented on how they have never before seen a child undergo so many poisonous treatments and handle it so well. They know she doesn’t have to take the seven prescription medications that she is offered for side-effect mitigation. Some medicines we have never used; they sit unopened in our cupboards just in case. Simply put, Cannabis has been a miracle for Mykayla; no one can argue this anymore, there is nothing left to debate.---

Cancer Doesn’t Have To Be So Scary